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St Mary's Primary School, Cabragh

Back To School Tips For Families

14th Sep 2023

Many children will feel anxious going back to school after the summer break. One thing that can help children are morning and evening routines. You can even make these routines fun by creating games such as ‘Beat the Buzzer’, songs and rhymes to help with dressing, packing their bags etc. You could even make-up your own songs!

Back to school can also be a stressful time for parents. Remember you can not pour from an empty cup. Looking after yourself and taking time to do things you enjoy is essential for your emotional well-being. 

Please see the posters below for helpful tips and ideas.Please do not hesitate to contact the school if you need any support or information. 

Parenting (NI) is the leading charity for parent support in Northern Ireland. Please see the website below to find out about up and coming programmes and workshops and which areas they will be running in.

To register for a programme or find out more give Parenting (NI) a call on 0808 8010 722.