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St Mary's Primary School, Cabragh


2023/2024 School Year

7th Jun 2024
P2 had the best time ever on our mini topic of the Gingerbread Man.  We made...
7th Jun 2024
Today Primary 3 had their end of year trip to Duff Land.  We had a brilliant...
7th Jun 2024
Andrew and Karen came in to talk to P1 and P2 about staying safe. They told us what...
7th Jun 2024
Congratulations to our wonderful stars of the week. Well done to Cara, Noah, Tommy,...
5th Jun 2024
Today Miss Cush, Sheila and Una got to meet all of the new boys and girls who will...
3rd Jun 2024
Today our ensemble of drummers performed for all the staff and pupils in St Mary’s...
3rd Jun 2024
To celebrate making our First Holy Communion and for working so hard in preparation...