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St Mary's Primary School, Cabragh

Dungannon Feis 2025

5th Mar 2025
Dear Parent/Guardian,

A reminder that Dungannon Feis will be taking place in March/April 2025. The Feis Programme is available to buy in Newell Stores, Dungannon.

If your child is entered for the Solo -Singing competition you should ensure that they know the words of the song. Please see the Parent Area/Dungannon Feis on the school website for the Solo- Singing music.
Music teacher, Mrs Shannon Hackett, will help the children with some preparation.

If your child is entered for the Speech and Drama poem, it is the responsibility of the parents to ensure that the children know the words of the poem. Miss Cush, our Speech and Drama teacher, will help with some preparation in school also. Please see the school website/Parent Area/Dungannon Feis/ Speech and Drama/ for the words of the poem.

If your child is entered for the Irish poem, it is the responsibility of the parents to ensure that the children know the words of the poem. Please see the school website/Parent Area/Dungannon Feis/ Irish Poem/ for the words of the poem.

Please note that parents must provide transport to and from the Feis. This year’s competition will be held in The Des Fox Pavilion, Edendork GFC.

Your child must wear their full school uniform to the Feis. (Not PE uniform)

Your child should be seated in the hall 10 minutes before their competition is due to begin.

Please find attached the dates and times of each of the Feis events.

Kind regards,
Louise Quinn