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St Mary's Primary School, Cabragh

Father John Visits St Mary's.

1st Oct 2024

Today we were delighted to welcome Father John to St Mary's. Father John visited all the classrooms and the children were so excited to meet him.

Father John enjoyed meeting our wonderful boys and girls and he blessed and prayed with them. The children had lots of questions for Fr John and they enjoyed finding out all about his role as a priest.

Among the many questions posed to Fr John he was asked what inspired him to become a priest.

To this question, Fr John's answer was lovely. He told the children that as a young boy growing up in Nigeria he watched how the priest behaved with the people in his area and at mass. He said that he saw the priest as someone who could help others, especially when they needed support. He said that he thought that helping people was the most joyful thing he could imagine. Fr John decided to become a priest so that he too, could help others.

During his 24 year ministry, Fr John has worked in many different countries, such as Nigeria, Ghana, Thailand, Czech Republic, Ireland and France.  The children were amazed to learn that Fr John could speak French. They seized the opportunity to share some of their expanding French vocabulary of which Fr John was suitably impressed!

Fr John shared this phrase  Children children, friends of Jesus. Reminding us all that Jesus has a deep love for all children. 

Fr John will spend 2 more weeks in Killeeshil with us.

Thank you Father John for visiting us this morning!