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St Mary's Primary School, Cabragh


18th May 2024

Congratulations to all our P4 children on receiving the Sacrament of First Holy Communion today, Saturday 18th May 2024, in the Church of the Assumption, Tullyallen.

Many thanks to Father Hannigan and Father Brown for making the celebration so special and meaningful for everyone.

A special word of thanks to our wonderful P4 teacher Mrs Donna Quinn, Mrs Claire McKillion and Mrs Una Bloomer for their hard work and commitment to preparing the children so well.

We are indebted to our Choir Mistress Mrs Michelle Mc Cann, pianist Mrs Louise Donnelly and our wonderful St Mary’s school choir who enhanced the Ceremony with the beautiful singing and music.

We wish to express our gratitude to all the P4 parents, for supporting the children and taking the time to help prepare the children to receive First Holy Communion. The boys and girls are a credit to you all!

Today was a wonderful day of happiness and celebration. We are so proud of all the P4 boys and girls who worked so hard and prepared so well for this special day. All the children performed their roles brilliantly!

The chapel was adorned with the children’s beautiful art work and special displays showcasing their wonderful work. All of the children conducted themselves so reverently and certainly did their parents, families, teachers and indeed our whole school and parish community proud.

A special word of thanks to Mrs Rosina O’Neill and Mrs Catherine Corrigan who presented the children with beautiful rosary beads on behalf of Killeeshil Parish.

Thanks to Friends of Cabragh, our Parent support group, who organised a wonderful party in the Community Centre after First Holy Communion. It was great to see the community gathered together celebrating this wonderful occasion.

We hope everyone had a fabulous day!