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St Mary's Primary School, Cabragh

P4 Enjoy Investigating Autumn

26th Sep 2024

In Primary 4 we have been extremely busy this week investigating autumn foliage.

First we looked closely at different autumn plants and seeds, we studied them closely and touched them gently. We discussed words to describe how they looked and felt. We furthered our investigation by using a magnify glass to closely look at the details of leaves, berries and seeds. 

We used colour charts to try and colour match the autumn foliage. We had to use our thinking and problem solving skills to find a good match. We learnt lots of new colours and found some items were difficult to find a colour match especially the leaves. Some items were such a perfect match that they were camouflaged on the colour chart. Have a look at the photos below to see our matches. 

Next we enjoyed an art lesson where we looked at our items and tried to draw them. Some of them were very life like. We also used paint and we had to paint the item from memory. We are all experts at replicating the details of lots of different autumn leaves, seeds and berries.

Finally, we used the adjectives that we generated as a class, to work in groups to make an autumn poem, these will be displayed in the classroom.