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St Mary's Primary School, Cabragh

Our school values and motto competition winners

30th Jan 2025

Recently in St Mary's, we have been working hard on choosing the values and motto that we think best compliment our school.  The staff, school council, pupils and parents have all contributed to this process and we are very proud of the end products.  The school council worked hard on the values that they thought represented St Mary's and presented them, during a whole school assembly, to the entire school for approval.  They then organised a 'design a poster competition' to promote our chosen values.  The winners of this competition were Jane Keown, Cara Rehill and Oliwier Pelka who were fabulously creative and produced excellent pieces of art.  Alannah Toner composed the very appropriate winning motto.  Well done to all our winners!
We thoroughly appreciate the efforts that everyone has contributed towards this task and we are delighted with both the process and the outcome.

Please see the school website for further details on our school values.