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St Mary's Primary School, Cabragh

P3 Outdoor STEM Day!

2nd Jun 2023

P3 enjoyed the warm weather today and made the most of it with some outdoor learning.  Who knew STEM and physics could be so much fun?

P3 had great fun making catapults with lollipop sticks with Miss Canavan and were able to launch a pompom into the air! 

The children had opportunities to develop a range of skills, including making predictions, problem solving, being creative and working with others.

The children also completed a salt and ice experiment.  They investigated what makes ice dissolve fastest- salt, sugar or water?  Conducting experiments like this one not only introduces scientific concepts but it also develops enquiry skills, problem solving and critical thinking.  It also instils a love of science! 

Finally, the children took part in a mini-beast hunt.  They found lots of interesting bugs. This activity encouraged the children's critical thinking, observation skills, and teamwork, while fostering a deeper understanding of the incredible world of minibeasts. 

We had such a great day! Thank you Miss Canavan for making catapults with P3!