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St Mary's Primary School, Cabragh

P4 and P5 End of Year Trip to Airtastic

10th Jun 2024

7th Jun 2024

  • Year 4
  • Year 5 
  • AMAZING!  BEST DAY EVER! BRILLIANT! These were the words repeated by our boys and girls during  their end of year trip to Airtastic.

We all had a fantastic time, adults too. St Mary's P4 and P5 children were exceptionally well behaved throughout their trip  and showed great encouragement for one another, particularly within their team games. 

Squeals of delight let us know that the children enjoyed the free play and trampoline area. A few children amazed themselves by taking on jumping routines from the high tower, and learnt how to get the 'best jumps'. 

P4 and P5 spent their lunch time chatting and mingling with one another before they set off to test their bowling and golfing skills.

As we gathered our wee troupe to board the coach for our return journey to school, there were many exhausted bodies, tales of the days activities and lots of tired smiling faces. The perfect end to a marvellous day.