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St Mary's Primary School, Cabragh

Primary 1 and Primary 7 Buddy System

20th Sep 2024

The Primary 1 and Primary 7 children were paired up to create a buddy system and make our lovely new P1 children feel safe and welcome. Both sets of pupils were very excited to meet each other.  The Primary 7 pupils visited the Primary 1 classroom and then went for a walk around the school grounds.  

The 'Buddy System' is a programme which involves the P7 children being paired with the P1 children. The purpose of a buddy system is to support a smooth transition for children starting school. The programme promotes social and support networks for children beginning Primary 1 and promotes a sense of community and belonging in the school.The goal is to develop relationships between the younger and older children, enhancing the sense of a friendly and supportive school community. There are benefits for the older buddy in acknowledging their leadership, responsibility and pride in their ability to be helpful.

We are so proud of our P7 boys and girls for helping the little ones to settle into their new school environment!

Please enjoy the photos below!