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St Mary's Primary School, Cabragh

Travelling Book Fair

30th Jan 2025

The Travelling Book Fair will arrive at St. Mary's Cabragh on Friday 21st February and will leave on Friday 28th March. (Last orders for the Book Fair are 3pm on Thursday 27th February). 

To preview the books available at the Book Fair, please visit The books - Travelling Book Fairs ( note not all titles may be available at the time of the Book Fair).  Every time you buy from the
Book Fair, you help to make a difference by supporting literacy in St Mary's Cabragh. Scholastic through their reward scheme help us buy books for our school.

All books can be paid for using cash.  Your child can take their Book Fair money in an envelope to their class teacher with their name and title of the book clearly marked on the envelope. 

Parents can come into school at home time (2.45pm- 3.15pm Tuesday 25th February- Thursday 27th February).

Many Thanks,

Marie Poacher