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St Mary's Primary School, Cabragh


2019/2020 School Year

7th May 2020
As part of the Harry Potter at Home collection of free initiatives for Harry Potter...
7th May 2020
Hello Boys and Girls! As promised, here is the next video message from Mrs Poacher!...
6th May 2020
The Education Authority have updated information for pupils who attend music tuition....
4th May 2020
The Primary One children enjoyed this week's story 'Great Day For Up' by Dr...
4th May 2020
The children have been very busy this week creating their May Altars, visiting grottos...
4th May 2020
Well done to the boys and girls in Primary 7 who took part in Mr Ball's...
1st May 2020
We hope you enjoy our final video! Can you identify any of the celebrity readers?!...
1st May 2020
Congratulations to Aine, Caitlin, Charlie, James, Kate, Lucy, Luke, Neve and...
1st May 2020
Hello Boys and Girls! As promised, here is the second in a series of Mysterious...
30th Apr 2020
Hello Boys and Girls! As promised, here is the first in a series of Mysterious...